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Witzel Silicone Vacuum Bladder
Witzel Silicone Vacuum Bladder
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Witzel Silicone Vacuum Bladder

Atlas Price $29.00
Part Number: PSEUDO-4587

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If you are looking for a more durable vacuum bladder - we suggest you try Witzel silicone gum rubber.  It will far outlast tradional bladder material, so you replace it less often.
Feature - Benefits:
  • Materials stick less
  • Further elogation
  • Plastics finish nicer 
  • 2mm thick approx

  • T-VBLD-WS: Precut, notched, and punched. Ready to fit to Witzel Single Orthotic Press (T-VACPRS-WS)
  • T-VBLD-WD: Precut, notched, and punched. Ready to fit to Witzel Dual Orthotic Press (T-VACPRS-WD) AND Witzel 520 Orthotic Press (T-VAC520D)
  • T-VBLD-WM: 19.5" (.5meter) length of Witzel bladder material for use on non-Witzel product. Atlas recommmends a minimum of 1 meter (quantity 2) for single presses; and minimum of 1.5 meters (quantity 3) for dual presses. Quantity ordered will be shipped as a single, uncut sheet.
  • T-VBLD-WM-10R: A full roll of Witzel bladder material

If you are unsure of the order quantity required for your application, please call (800) 545-6287 for assistance. Please note Atlas is not responsible for fit, application or suitability of Witzel bladder material for non-Witzel product.