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Workmaster 1000 Sander
Workmaster 1000 Sander
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Workmaster 1000 Sander

Atlas Price $6,677.25
Part Number: PSEUDO-4135

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T-GP220 (integrated vacuum) shown

The Landis Workmaster 1000 is a powerful shoe machine ready to reduce your workload from the hardest of jobs...GRINDING! Perfect for orthotics and finishing prosthetic legs. Solid steel construction. Central Vacuum (or CV) version allows you to integrate to your own central vacuum collection unit.

Compare with: Sutton shoe machine, Jack Master shoe machine, Supreme shoe machine, GP220, or even a Stanley Bostitch shoe machine

Landis Workmaster 1000 features:
Integrated vacuum collector
Two - 4" x 6" Expanding Wheels
Comfortable work height
Easy maintenance

Optional features: 
Naumkeg (Available at time of manufacture only)

Width: 36" x Height: 57" x Depth: 36"
Net Weight: 350 lbs, Ship Weight: 515 lbs
Voltage: 230 volts

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