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Dark Blue Fiberglass Cast Tape
Dark Blue Fiberglass Cast Tape
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Dark Blue Fiberglass Cast Tape

Atlas Price $49.00
Part Number: PSEUDO-167

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Performance Casting Tape® is a synthetic fiberglass cast tape with a non-tack resin. Special manufacturing process creates a slippery feel and reduces the memory of the tape allowing the tail end to stay down.The combination of Performance fiberglass and superior resin will ensure tremendous conformability, molding and lamination.

Performance Casting Tape® sets to weight bearing in a matter of minutes. The cast tape material used in manufacturing Performance cast tape is light weight, which allows for patient mobility. The Patented Aqua Core Technology channels water into the inner layers of the cast tape which inhances the product's performance.

Performance Casting Tape® is extremely durable with tremendous strength due to the specially treated cast tape material.

Benefits of Performance Cast Tape:

  • Slick feel
  • Superior muti-directional stretch for excellent conformability
  • Clean edges
  • Extremely strong