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AVOS Foot Orthotics
AVOS Foot Orthotics
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AVOS Foot Orthotics

Atlas Price $25.00
Part Number: PSEUDO-484

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AVOS orthotic insoles are biomechanically corrected orthotics. The orthotic insole features a deep (14mm) heel cup to control the rear foot. Molded from a durable polypropylene plastic. AVOS orthotic insoles have a textured top surface to minimize slippage.
We built in the most important functional corrections for mild versions of pathologies such as plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the plantar fascia resulting in heel pain), metatarsalgia (ball of foot pain), and hallux limitus (stiff big toe). By incorporating a 14mm heel cup, 2mm medial heel skive, and a 3° forefoot valgus correction, our prefab addresses the biomechanics of the pathology.

  • Guaranteed never to break!
  • Excellent support - control
  • Comfortable fit